What tune never leaves your bag?
Sasha Xpander
Who's your biggest influence?
Who do you rate at the moment on the scene?
Job Jobse, Ben Klock, Dj Tennis, Larmour, Leon Windsor, Moritz , Skatman
What are your word of wisdom for the human race?
Don’t be a willy
Whats you Dream DJ rider?
Technics , xone 96, bagpipes and a Haggis
Leafar Legov - Hidden Treasure - Giegling
&ME - Think - Kinemusik
Smallpeople - Black ice - Word and Sound
Agoria - Remedy - Frankey & Sandrino remix
Leafar Legov - Your Vibe - Giegling
D-IX - Hugo - Giegling
Anna Wall & Corbi - Dat 1 - Ritual Poison
Bicep - Atlas - Ninja
Fallen - Underground Should Revival Remix
Maribou State - Nervous Ticks - Dj Tennis Remix
Biesmans & Vandesande - Inglorious - Tau Tau
If you get this far you tell me the next track x